
Vijay Singh Sunita Grewal Vivek Goyal Vinay Malik


The ladybird beetles of Scymninae, a subfamily of Coccinellidae are efficient biocontrol agents. Many earlier studies document their protective role associated with many crops. This subfamily is represented by 5 tribes,15 genera and 138 species in the Indian subcontinent. However there is no scientific record of taxonomic description of the subfamily Scymninae within the Coccinellidae family of beetles (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera)  in Haryana, India. In the present study, seven species from three genera and two tribes of sub-family Scymninae i.e. Nephus (Bipunctatus) bipunctatus (Kugelann,1794), Nephus regularis (Sicard), Scymnus (Pullus) coccivora Ramakrishna Ayyar, 1925, Scymnus (Pullus) latemaculatus Motschulsky, Scymnus (Scymnus) nubilus Mulsant, Scymnus (Pullus) posticalis Sicard and Stethorus aptus Kapur were identified. It included the generation of keys to the tribes, genera, subgenera and species found during the study. It provided detailed taxonomy of the identified species based on various morphological characteristics such as coxal lines, antennae, mandibles, and male and female genitalia. This study marks the first taxonomic exploration of species within the Scymninae subfamily in Haryana, India. It will significantly contribute to understanding the biodiversity of beetles in the region and will lay the groundwork for further research and conservation initiatives.





Beetles, Coleoptera, Diversity, Scymninae, Taxonomyc resistance genes, Proteus mirabilis, Plasmids, Virulence genes

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Taxonomic redescription of subfamily Scymninae (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from Haryana, India. (2024). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 16(2), 842-853. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v16i2.5461