Monthly variations in physico-chemical characteristics of water, MPN index and zooplankton of Devak stream, at Shiv temple complex, Udhampur, Jammu ( J & K), India
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Water quality characteristics, MPN index/100ml, and zooplankton of sacred Devak stream, Udhampur were analyzed during February, 2010 to January, 2011. Various water quality parameters showed a well marked seasonal variation including MPN index/100 ml which remained above 240 during all the observations. Zooplanktons comprising of 46 species showed qualitative dominance of protozoa (33 species) followed by rotifera (7 species), annelida (2 species) and insecta (1 species), water nematoda, turbellaria (1 species) and cysts. Zooplankton was qualitatively and quantitatively poor/absent during monsoon floods (June to September) and was diversified and rich during February to May. Comparison of water utility parameters and MPN count/100 ml with national and international agencies suggested that water of this stream was not fit for consumption.
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Devak stream, Most probable number, Physico-chemical parameters, Water quality, Zooplankton
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