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Anjan Kumar Sinha


To meet the growing demands of energy, continuous supply of coal is necessary because coal is the primary source of energy. About 70% of coal mining is being done by open cast methods which is most destructive activity and it severely damages the ecosystem. Reclamation of degraded land is therefore necessary after any mining activity. The biochemical parameters like Chlorophyll, carbohydrate and protein content of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (Winged bean) studied here were considered as measure to test the suitability of Winged bean in various soil-OB dump compositions (P1 to P5). The findings revealed that biochemical property like chlorophyll and protein content of Winged bean was retained up to 1:1 soil-OB dump condition but after that it was decreased significantly whenever OB dump composition was increased. Chlorophyll content of the plant in P1 to P3 condition was 8.2, 8.17 and 8.02 mg/100 gm respectively but it was decreased significantly in P3 and P4 condition, i.e. 7.72 & 7.47 mg/100gm respectively. Carbohydrate content of the plant in P1 to P3 condition was 3.72, 3.7 and 3.61 gm/100 gm respectively but it again decreased significantly in P3 and P4 condition, i.e. 3.32 & 3.1 gm/100gm respectively. In spite of these findings, seeds of winged bean contained high protein and rest of the plant parts were also very important as food and fodder and this plant was able to grow on less water condition which made it suitable for the land restoration of degraded mining land both from ecological and socio-economic point of view.

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Barjora, Coal mine, Land reclamation, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus, Raniganj

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Biochemical analysis of Psophocarpus tetrgonolobus L. (Winged bean) and its role on restoration of degraded land of Raniganj and Barjora coalmine areas of West Bengal, India. (2014). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 6(2), 792-796.