
D. Slathia S. P. S. Dutta


Zooplanktonic analysis of Surinsar lake, Jammu, during the year 2002-2004, has shown the presence of fifty one species of protozoans belonging to three classes viz. Sarcodina (32 spp), Ciliata (16 spp.) and Mastigophora (3 spp.). Quantitatively, during the year 2002-03, there was dominance of Sarcodina followed by Ciliata and Mastigophra. In the subsequent year viz. 2003-04, the order of quantitative dominance has been observed as Ciliata> Sarcodina and> Mastigophora. Coefficient of correlation(r) of protozoans with various physico-chemical parameters has generally shown insignificant results. The calculated value of ANOVA of various protozoan classes was significant and the means of various classes differed significantly among themselves indicating their significant contribution to total protozoan population.




Lake, Zooplankton, Protozoa, Correlation, Diversity Index

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Limnology of Surinsar lake, Jammu (J&K State): Part I- Protozoa. (2009). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 1(2), 141-148. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v1i2.53