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B. Arunkumar S. Muniswamy P.S. Dharmaraj


Fourteen pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) genotypes were evaluated for their yield performance at two locations during kharif season of 2009-10 and 2010-11. A significant genotypic difference for yield character was observed. Highly significant genotype–environment interaction indicated differential response of the genotypes to the environmental changes. The stability analysis showed significance of linear component of variation for grain yield. The genotypes TJT-501 (1728.667Kg/Ha) and GRG-2009-3 (1570.000 Kg/Ha) exhibited low mean
performance along with regression value nearer to unity (bi=1) and non significant deviation from regression (S2 di=0) indicating, the high stability and wider adaptability across the different environments. The genotype ICPH-2671 (3134.833 Kg/Ha) exhibited highest mean value and regression value (bi>1) and non significant deviation (S2 di < 0). But genotypes JKM-197 (3072.667 Kg/ha), GRG-2009 (29993.167 Kg/ha), TS-3R (2823.333 Kg / Ha) and ICP-8863 (2740.417 Kg/Ha) exhibited high mean performance but higher regression value (bi>1) and significant deviation (S2 di < 0) value indicating adapted for high performance environments showing these genotypes are sensitive to environments and give maximum yield when inputs are not limited.

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Cajanus cajan, Environment interaction, Genotype, Pigeonpea, Stability

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Interpretation of genotype x environment interaction and stability analysis for grain yield of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.). (2014). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 6(2), 744-747.