Enhancing salinity stress tolerance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes through foliar application of spermidine
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Chickpea (Cicer arietinum), the 2nd most important legume after dry beans, known for its protein content, is an important crop agronomically as well as economically. The present study aimed to determine the effect of foliar application of spermidine (spd) on various aspects of chickpea genotypes under salt stress. The chickpea genotypes were cultivated under 4 and 8 dSm-1 Cl- dominated salinity followed by the spermidine application of 0.5 and 1.0 mM. Salinity stress inhibited the plant height and root length, reducing plant biomass (fresh and dry weight). Furthermore, it also decreased the chlorophyll and nitrogen content of the plant. Results obtained from spermidine (spd) application indicated that both concentrations of spermidine are good in enhancing the tolerance in chickpea genotypes against salt stress. Spermidine application increased the plant's height as well as biomass. It also enhanced the chlorophyll content (32.93%), increasing the Nitrogen Balance Index (77.37%) at 1.0 mM.It further increased the flavonoid and anthocyanin content in plant leaf. In addition, the application of spermidine retained more moisture (25.81%) and increased seed fiber (13.30%) in all chickpea genotypes at 1.0 mM. It reduces the Cl- ion accumulation and maintains the ionic balance in chickpea seeds. The effect of spermidine application (0.5 and 1.0mM) was more pronounced, but 1.0 mM had a more positive effect in salt-sensitive chickpea genotypes.
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Anthocyanin, Chickpea, Flavonoid, Nitrogen Balance index, Salinity, Spermidine
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