Studies on the variation in germination and seedling growth of Abies pindrow Spach. (Royle) in Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, India
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Abies pindrow species is facing a problem of natural regeneration and the absence of adequate regeneration in Indian fir forests has drawn the attention of forest officers, researchers and scientists for a long time. The present study was undertaken in the state of Uttarakhand where four sites bearing A. pindrow forests were selected. The study was conducted to compare the seeds of the four sites to draw relevant conclusions. Two sites Mundali and Deoban fall under Chakrata forest division and Bhukki and Dharali sites fall under Uttarkashi forest division. The aim of the study was to determine variation in germination of seeds of A. pindrow collected from four locations in the state of Uttarakhand. A significant variation was observed in seed germination (germination percent, mean germination time, peak value, germination energy, germination value, germination speed) and seed growth parameters (seed
length, seed width and seed thickness). The seed source of Dharali site was found as the best source followed by Deoban in comparison to other two sites. Dharali site showed highest germination percentage (25%), highest germination value (2.664) and highest germination energy (25.00) from its seed source, thereby concluding to be the best seed source site. The viable and healthy seed source can be considered to be most fruitful in propagation and regeneration techniques.
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Abies pindrow, Germination percent, Germination time, Germination speed, Germination value
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