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Manuj Dev Vanama Venkata Sai Krishna Deepak Kumar Manas Kumar Jha


The absence of an integrated geospatial database hinders effective decision-making among various stakeholders in national projects and programs. The study aimed to create an integrated geospatial database for the Manesar tehsil, District Gurugram, Haryana. Another objective was to create a land use map to analyze the temporal change in land use patterns and its socioeconomic impact along the surrounding areas. The first stage of the study involved creating an integrated database after interviewing different stakeholders. In the second stage, the satellite imagery was georeferenced using Ground Control Points, and the land use patterns were digitized using Landsat imagery for 1987, 2011, 2014, and 2022. The study suggested that the construction area has grown up to 6% while cultivation has dropped significantly from 76% in 1987 to 50% in 2022. Likewise, the industrial area has grown up to 2% and natural vegetation dropped in coverage from 11% to 4%. The area witnessed a population growth rate of 3.2% per year and a decadal growth rate of 39.7%. Less than 50% of the land in the tehsil is used for agricultural purposes. It estimates that 4% of the tehsil's entire surface was covered by natural vegetation in 2019, down from 11% in 1987. The study recommends the creation of an integrated geospatial database that will help reduce duplication and speed up decision-making in government. This will pave the way for improving e-governance in local bodies.  The framework created for developing the database system is universally applicable and can be used appropriately by other states, regions, and the entire country.


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E-governance, Geographical information system, Geospatial database, Land use, Remote sensing, Temporal analysis, Urban planning

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How to Cite

Integrated geospatial database design for land use pattern analysis and its impact on local governance: A case study of Manesar Urban Complex, Gurugram, India. (2023). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 15(4), 1541-1556.