
Pemba Sherpa Tania Seth Varun Durwas Shende N. Pandiarana Subhra Mukherjee Arup Chattopadhyay


Paucity of research on the development of tomato hybrid having desirable post harvest/or processing quality in the tropics compel to undertake this study. Therefore, the present investigation was undertaken to identify potential donors and crosses, to study the extent of heterosis and dominance behaviour, and to ascertain the genetic control of fifteen yield components and post harvest quality traits through line x tester mating design in tomato. Non-additive gene action controlled all characters studied, suggesting heterosis breeding for their improvement. Among parental lines, CLN2777-G’ and ‘FEB-2’ were the best general combiners for yield and processing traits and could be utilized further in tomato breeding programme. Crosses (‘CLN2768-A x A.C.AFT’ and ‘CLN2777-G x FEB-2’) showing high specific combining ability and yield involved parents showing high general combining ability for fruit yield per plant and other horticultural traits. All 9 F1 hybrids had significantly higher number of fruits per cluster and number of fruits per cluster over both mid-and better-parental values, while for the other traits, hybrids expressed average heterosis in both directions. The maximum extent of heterobeltiosis (53.56%) was found in lycopene content of fruit followed by number of fruits per cluster (32.59%) and fruit yield per plant (31.77%). The performances of the hybrids illustrated the presence of various degrees of dominance effects i.e., partial to over
dominance /or no dominance. We could able to improve processing quality in spite of yield in the cross (‘CLN2777-G x FEB-2’) which can substantially make a dent for processing industry in the tropics.




Combining ability, Dominance estimate, Gene action, Heterosis, Tomato

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Heterosis, dominance estimate and genetic control of yield and post harvest quality traits of tomato. (2014). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 6(2), 625-632. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v6i2.507