
Sattar Yunus Zulkifli Mappasomba Muh Haidir


Mangrove forests are found on coastlines in tropical and subtropical areas. The mangrove tree looks strange because its roots are partially above water, making it look like it is standing. Mangrove forests are coastal forests and critical habitats that act as nurseries and protect coasts from erosion. Determining the current status of sustainable management of mangroves is very important as a basis for planning future policies. The purpose of this study was to review the current status of mangroves and analyze the sustainability value of the mangrove ecosystem sustainability in the Biringkassi mangrove area, Pangkep district, Indonesia. This study is descriptive with a quantitative approach to conducting an inventory of mangrove ecosystems, including biophysical, social, economic and institutional data. Analysis of the sustainability of mangrove management The sustainability of the mangrove ecosystem was analyzed using the Rapid Assessment Fisheries (RAPFISH) software with the Multidimensional Scaling Method (MDS) method. The four aspects assessed were ecological, economic, social and institutional. The results of the sustainability analysis from the four dimensions showed that the ecological and institutional aspects have a moderate state of sustainability, but the economic and social aspects have a less sustainable state. Multidimensional analysis showed less sustainable management. Leverage analysis of 24 multidimensional attributes revealed eight highly influential attributes that can lead to change in management if not implemented correctly. Meanwhile, the analysis results should be maintained for properties that achieve low leverage so that the management value does not decrease.





Mangrove, Multidimensional Scaling Method (MDS), Rapid Assessment Fisheries (RAPFISH), Sustainable status

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Analysis of mangrove ecosystem sustainability in the Biringkassi mangrove area, Pangkep District, Indonesia. (2023). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 15(4), 1711-1719. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v15i4.5034