Enhancing herbicides sorption in sodic soils through biochar amendment : A promising approach for sustainable agriculture
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This study is essential for assessing the binding capacity of Prosopis wood biochar to commonly used herbicides, Pretilachlor and Pendimethalin. Understanding their sorption dynamics at varying biochar application rates and exposure times is crucial for sustainable and effective herbicide management in intensively farming agricultural fields and for reducing environmental contamination. The Prosopis wood biochar was produced in an earthen kiln at 300-350°C. The batch experiment was conducted to study the sorption potential of biochar additions at rates of 0, 5, and 10 t ha-1. The herbicides were added to the homogenized soil-biochar mixes at zero, whole, twice, and four times the recommended dose. The sorption of the herbicides by soil biochar mixture was studied for 12 and 24 hours. The result showed that Pendimethalin sorption increased with biochar application rate, requiring 24 hours for 95% sorption at 4X dose without biochar (77.95 mg/kg soil) and 12 hours with 10 t/ha biochar (75.82 mg/kg soil). The Kd value increased with biochar application (0.57-77.95 mg/kg soil) and decreased with pendimethalin application (77.95-3.04 mg/kg soil). Maximum sorption (95%) was attained within 12 hours for 1X and 2X rates and 24 hours for 4X rates when biochar was added. This demonstrated that although pendimethalin residue in the soil can be immobilized by adding biochar within 8 hours at lower rates, more than 24 hours were required when pendimethalin was applied at higher rates or repeatedly. Biochar can be used to reduce pendimethalin leaching in agricultural fields, especially sodic soils, at higher application rates.
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Biochar, Herbicide, Pretilachlor, Pendimethalin, Sorption
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