Experimental investigation of anti-corrosive behaviour of Beta vulgaris: A green approach
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The loss of metals due to corrosion can be prevented using green inhibitors. Using natural and eco-friendly plant products is futuristic, preventing the environment from toxic and harmful chemicals. The present study aimed to investigate whole beetroot (BR, Beta vulgaris) for its anti-corrosion behaviour by galvanostatic polarization and electrochemical impedance techniques at a temperature between 298 K- 328 K. The temperature study would help in proposing BR's adsorption mechanism on metal surfaces. The maximum inhibition efficiency of 94% at 298 K for 5% BR was observed, whereas a minimum of 75% was obtained for 1% BR at 328 K. It was found to be a mixed-type inhibitor that followed Langmuir isotherm. From thermodynamic studies, ΔGoads was found to be -13.64 kJ/mol, which revealed that BR adsorbed physically on the surface of mild steel. Rct values increased while Cdl values decreased on exposure of metal surface with BR extract. The scanning electron micrographs (SEM) and atomic force micrographs (AFM) witnessed the formation of a protective layer on the mild steel surface, which served as a barrier between the metal and corrosive medium. The present study provides a remedy for the financial and structural losses due to metal corrosion in an acidic medium.
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Corrosion, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Mild Steel, Langmuir isotherm, Physical adsorption
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