Combined effect of different plant nutrients of organic and inorganic sources on nutrient uptake and yield of groundnut crop
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A pot culture experiment was conducted to study the effect of combined use of organic manures with inorganic fertilizers on uptake of available nutrients and yield of groundnut crop at Tamil Nadu Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai during kharif season of 2008-2009. The experiment was laid out in completely randomized design (factorial) with two replications. Main pot treatments comprised of three types of manures viz, control ( M0 ), pressmud @ 5 t ha-1 ( M1 ), vermicompost @ 2 t ha-1 ( M2 ), farmyard manure @12.5 t ha-1 ( M3 ) and sub pot treatment comprised of 4 levels of K viz, 0 (K0), 100 ( K1 ) , 75 ( K2 ) and 50 kg of K20 ha-1 ( K3 ) with a recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) respectively. The results revealed that highest nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake of 1.01, 0.96 and 0.80 g/pot was recorded in the treatment that received 75 kg K2O ha-1 and Pressmud @ 5 t ha-1 (K1M1) and in the pots which treatment received K1M1 showed the highest Haulm and pod yield of (28.25 and 24.5 g/pot) of groundnut crop respectively.
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Groundnut crop, Inorganic plant fertilizers, organic manures, Uptake of nutrients Yield
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