
Vasvi Tyagi Santosh Pal Singh K.E Mothi Kumar Maya Kumari https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7479-2803


Gurugram is one of the major satellite cities of Delhi, which witnessed unprecedented growth in the past two decades. The
city of Gurugram in Haryana State, India, has a fringe of Aravalli hills on either side as the western and the eastern range ridge. On the foothills of the eastern ridge, there has been a major development in the revenue estate of Behrampur to Nathupur, whereas, on the western ridge, the major development has been from the revenue estate of Manesar to Naurangpur of Urban development complex.  Majority of the Revenue Estate in the areas in the foothills of Aravalli are covered under Punjab Land Preservation Act, 1900. The areas in Arravali ranges covered under development plans have witnessed urbanization. In
contrast, the areas which are protected by forest statute and have come under Urban development plans have been saved from urban sprawls to a great extent. The present study analyses urban plans and development in areas not protected by forest
statutes to those with some umbrella of protection.  The successive development plans including Gurugram Developmental Plan (GDP) 2021 of 2007, GDP 2020 of 2011, GDP 2031 of 2012, and Gwal Pahari Developmental Plan of 2010 amended in 2016 has increased the commercial value of land, exposing them to urbanization due to better economic returns. The study, however, strengthens the perception that despite being prone to development opportunity, the areas covered under forest statutes or by Hon’ble court orders have been protected from urban expansion and developmental sprawl.




Forest Satutes, Gurugram, Urban development Plans, Forest land violation, PLP Act, Aravalli Notification, Aravalli ranges, Urbanization

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effectiveness of Forest statutes in the conservation of Aravalli range in Urbanized complex- A case of Gurugram District (Haryana), India. (2023). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 15(3), 1127-1136. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v15i3.4745