
S. Ramesh Balakrishna Gowda


Soaring prices of fossil-fuels and environmental pollution associated with their use, has resulted in increased interest in the production and use of bio-energy in India. Government of India has made policies to promote the production and use of bio-fuels which have triggered public and private investments in bio-fuel feed stock crop research and development and bio-fuel production. In this paper, efforts have been made to review and discuss various feed stock crop options and crop research and development interventions required to generate feed-stocks
to produce required volume of bio-energy to meet projected demand without compromising food/fodder security and potential benefits of bio-fuels in reducing environment pollution and contributing to the energy security in India.




Agriculture research, Energy security, Bio-diesel, Bio-fuel, Bio-ethanol

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Feed stock crop options, crop research and development strategy for bioenergy production in India. (2009). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 1(1), 109-116. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v1i1.47