Antimicrobial nature of specific compounds of Ampelomyces quisqualis identified from gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) analysis and their mycoparasite nature against powdery mildew of grapes
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Grapevine powdery mildew is the world's most important plant disease, and Ampelomyces frequently fight them. While it does not usually cause plant death, its major infections can result in significant production losses and severely impact wine quality. Fungicides are frequently used to control the disease, which can have long-term adverse effects on the ecosystem. As a result, alternative and environmentally friendly disease management approaches must be developed. The study aimed to reduce costly and toxic fungicide use by using Ampelomyces, a natural biofungicide, against various powdery mildew fungi. GC-MS analysis was also used to determine the antagonistic potential and efficacy of volatile organic chemicals produced by several Ampelomyces spp. against Erysiphe necator, which causes powdery mildew of grapes. The molecular characterization of A. quisqualis isolates based on using rDNA ITS region was also carried out and sequenced. GC-MS analysis identified various antimicrobial compounds, such as squalene (4.643%), octadecanoic acid (3.862%), tetradecanoic acid (3.600%), and 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z) (1.451%). The least abundant compounds were 2-Hexadecanol, 1-Tricosanol, and 2-propenyl ester, with percentages of 0.485, 0.519, and 0.560, respectively. These bioactive compounds revealed by GC-MS analysis in crude extracts of A. quisqualis had a stronger antifungal and antibacterial activity against E. necator. As a result, using A. quisqualis to control the powdery mildew of grapes significantly reduced pathogen growth and disease incidence.
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Article Details
Ampelomyces Quisqualis, Biocontrol, GC-MS, Powdery mildew, Volatile organic compounds
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