Evaluation of selected promising land races of small cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton) in South India
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Small cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton.), often referred to as the 'queen of spices' is believed to have originated in the moist evergreen forests of the Western Ghats of South India. The present study was conducted at the Indian Cardamom Research Institute, Myladumpara, Idukki Dt. of Kerala. Different farmer's varieties, nine landraces viz., Njallani Green Gold, Thiruthali, Panikulangara Green Bold No.1, Wonder Cardamom, Elarajan, Arjun, Pappalu, PNS Vaigai, Pachaikkai and ICRI-5 as control were evaluated in the cardamom tract of Idukki District. The selected genotypes were evaluated in the field for three consecutive years. The data on growth and yield were recorded, pooled and analyzed. From the analysis, it was found that the genotype Njallani Green Gold performed well compared to other varieties with respect to the yield (1271.80 kg/ha) followed by Panikulangara Green Bold No.1 (1134.67 kg/ha) and more tillers (74.46) were found in the same clone also. The plant height was significantly higher in Elarajan (316.24 cm), followed by Panikulangara Green Bold No.1 (312.45 cm). The number of leaves was greater in Elarajan (16.72), followed by Panikulangara Green Bold No.1 (16.43). More vegetative buds were observed in Pappalu followed by Wonder Cardamom. Panicles per clump were more in Thiruthali (47.98), followed by Njallani Green Gold (46.59). Racemes per panicle were greater in Pachaikkai (26.57), followed by Njallani Green Gold (26.19). The number of capsules per racemes was more in Njallani Green Gold (9.59) followed by Panikulangara Green Bold No.1 (8.59). The results pointed out that each clone in the trial differs from another with respect to the characters studied. The findings could be used for further breeding studies in small cardamom.
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Cardamom, Evaluation, Farmers' varieties, Landraces
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