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R. S. Meena R. S. Yadav


An experimental trial was conducted on groundnut during kharif seasons of 2009 and 2010. The experimental soil was loamy sand in texture. The experiment was laid out in split-plot design with three replications, assigning 32 treatments consisting of four date of sowing (20th April, 15th May, 9th June and 4th July) and two varieties (HNG-10 and TG-37A) as main-plot treatments and four fertility levels of nitrogen and phosphorus application (0, 20 N-40 P2O5, 30-60 P2O5 and 40 N-80 P2O5 kg/ha) as sub-plot treatments. The results showed that significantly higher plant stand was observed in 9th June and 4th July sowing date of the groundnut at harvest. 20th April sowing had significantly higher dry matter accumulation, CGR of 30-60 and 60-90 DAS of HNG-10 variety. Further delays in sowing significantly reduce growth parameters. However, growth parameters viz. dry matter accumulation, CGR, RGR etc. in all the sowing dates in TG-37A was statistically at par with each other. All the fertility treatments produced significantly higher dry matter, CGR, RGR etc. Application of 30 kg N-60 kg P2O5 / ha significantly enhanced the dry matter accumulation over 20 kgN-40kg P2O5/ha but statistically at par with 40 kg N- 80 kg P2O5/ ha.

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Date of sowing, Dry matter, Fertility levels, Varieties

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Phenological performance of groundnut varieties under sowing environments in hyper arid zone of Rajasthan, India. (2014). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 6(2), 344-348.