
D.R. Khanna R. Bhutiani Neetu Saxena


Interactions between mathematical and biological sciences have been increasing rapidly in recent years. The use of system analysis and mathematical model for formulation and solving the environmental pollution is of relatively recent vintage and has been used widely since last three decades. These models can be used to conduct numerical experiments, test hypothesis and help to understand the response of environmental pollution. A mathematical model acts as a bridge between study of mathematics and application of mathematics in environment
and other fields. Modeling is an abstraction of reality and its ultimate objective is to explore the complexity of functions and structure of the system under study. Today, a wide variety of models belonging to different nature and category are available to understand the processes of the environment around us. Various models such as WASP, CE-QUAL-ICM, QUAL W2, AQUATOX, QUAL2K, IITAQ, PEARL, GRAM, UGEM, and IITLT etc. related to water and air quality are developed so far along with their principles, intended use and applications. These models generally simulate the basic physical, chemical and biological processes. In the present study, an attempt has been made to evaluate the concept and utilization of mathematical models in air and water quality management.




Assessment, Environmental quality, Limnology, Mathematical models

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Research Articles

How to Cite

An approach to mathematical models as a tool for water and air quality management. (2014). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 6(1), 304-314. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v6i1.420