Temporal expression of thyroid hormone regulating genes (tsh-b, tsh-r, dio2 and dio3) and their correlation with annual reproductive cycle of the Indian freshwater catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch).
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Photoperiod and temperature are well-established environmental cues for gonadal growth in seasonally reproducing organisms. The photoperiod is known to regulate seasonal reproduction via induction of thyroid hormone regulating genes in the saccus vasculosus (SV) of fishes. However, SV is absent in many seasonally breeding fishes, including Heteropneustes fossilis. H. fossilis is a long-day breeding catfish in which gonadal recrudescence begins six months earlier than spawning. The present study attempted to analyse the expression of thyroid hormone-regulating genes (tsh-b, tsh-r, dio2 and dio3) in the brain, liver and ovary. In the brain, upregulated expression of thyrotropin-beta subunit (tsh-b), deiodinase2 (dio2) and deiodinase3 (dio3) genes is concomitant with the increasing photoperiod and temperature in nature, which may appear to regulate seasonal reproduction. Both deiodinases, dio2 and dio3, were also upregulated in the liver and ovarian tissue during the gonadal growth phase. The upregulation of deiodinases may enhance the metabolism and activity of tissues, thereby facilitating their respective roles. The expression of these genes was also assessed in the brain, liver, ovary, kidney, skin, spleen and gill tissues during the spawning period. The ubiquitous expression of deiodinases may point to enhanced activity in their organ-specific role. The present study speculates that expression of tsh-b, tsh-r, dio2 and dio3 genes during the reproductive phase of H. fossilis might be involved in the regulation of seasonal reproduction.
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Article Details
Deiodinase enzymes, Saccus vasculosus, Seasonal reproduction, Thyroid, Thyrotropin
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