
Gokil Prasad Gangwar A. P. Sinha


The experiment was conducted to evaluate growth promotion of transplanted rice by fungal and bacterial bioagents effective against bacterial leaf blight of rice, under glasshouse conditions. Bioagent formulations (PBA -1, PBA -2, FLP 88, Pf 83, Isolate 40 and T. harzianum) were applied as seed treatment, seedling root dip and foliar spray and compared with chemical treatment and untreated check. All bioagent formulations were significantly effective in increasing number of tillers per hill, root length, total phenolic content in rice leaves, fresh and dry root weight, fresh and dry shoot weight, flag leaf area, grain yield and 1000 grain weight over check. Present study revealed that potential fungal and bacterial bioagents effective against bacterial leaf blight disease of rice, exhibited plant growth promoting activities and resulted 22.38 to 32.08 % increase in grain yield over untreated check, even if there is no disease.




Foliar application, Growth promotion, Pseudomonas spp., Rice, Seedling root dip, Trichoderma harzianum

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Growth promotion of transplanted rice plant by bioagents effective against bacterial leaf blight disease of rice under glasshouse conditions. (2014). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 6(1), 234-238. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v6i1.407