
R. Mohanapriya R. Kalpana A. Alagesan K. R. Latha A. Senthil P. Janaki


In India, about 3.77 million ha of the country's geographical area is affected by sodicity. There is an urgent need to minimize further land degradation and restore the fertility of degraded soils to meet the growing demand for food. The most effective way to overcome salt stress is by applying nutrients through soil and foliar. In this context, a field experiment was conducted at Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research Institute (ADAC & RI), Tiruchirappalli, in the summer of 2022 to study the reclamation potential of soil amendments and foliar nutrition in sodic soil. The experiment was laid out in a split-plot design with three replications. The treatment comprised of soil amendments viz., M1- Pongamia green leaf manure (GLM) @ 6.25 t ha-1, M2- Pressmud @ 10 t ha-1, M3-CSR GROMOR @ 25 kg ha-1, M4-Gypsum @ 50 % GR, M5-Gypsum @ 50 % gypsum requirement (GR) + Pongamia GLM @ 6.25 t ha-1, M6-Gypsum @ 50 % GR + Pressmud @ 10 t ha-1, M7-Gypsum @ 50 % GR + CSR GROMOR @ 25 kg ha-1 and M8- Farmers practice, in main plots and foliar nutrition viz., S1- Foliar spray (FS) of CSR GROMOR @ 3% @ 30 DAS, S2-FS of Brassinosteroid (BRs) 0.2 ppm @ 30 DAS and S3-FS of Melatonin 60 ppm @ 30 DAS in sub plots. The results showed that gypsum @ 50 % GR + Pressmud @ 10 t ha-1+ FS of Brassinosteroid 0.2 ppm @ 30 DAS(M6S2) registered significantly (P=0.05%) lowest pH (8.07), ESP (11.62%), exchangeable Na+ (2.93 c mol (p+) kg-1) with higher exchangeable Ca2+(11.23 c mol (p+) kg-1), Mg2+ (8.09 c mol (p+) kg-1) and K+(0.82 c mol (p+) kg-1). It also increased soil available nutrients (235.6, 24.57 & 309.6 kg NPK ha-1) and grain yield (1110 kg ha-1) of green gram. However, it was on par with gypsum @ 50 % GR + CSR GROMOR @ 25 kg ha-1 + FS of Brassinosteroid 0.2 ppm @ 30 DAS(M7S2). Hence it was concluded that the application of gypsum along with pressmud or CSR GROMOR combined with FS of brassinostroid had a remarkable effect in reducing soil sodicity and increasing the productivity of green gram.





Foliar nutrition, Green gram, Sodicity, Soil amendments, Soil nutrients, Yield

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Correlation of soil physico chemical properties with a yield of green gram (Vigna radiata L.) by soil amendments and foliar nutrition under sodic soil condition . (2022). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 14(4), 1441-1448. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v14i4.3929