Preparation of water hyacinth-based phosphocompost and its evaluation against certain phosphorus fertilizers along with phosphate solubilizing bacteria on P availability, uptake and rice productivity
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Phosphorus (P) deficiency in soil limits crop yields and can be managed by P fertilizers. But mere applying P fertilizers alone may not be effective in justifying its bioavailability. At present global P reserves are declining in an increasing way which urges us to find out alternatives. Thus, the present work was taken to prepare phosphocompost using water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) as feedstock, termite, and normal soil as bulking agents cum decomposers and enriched with single super phosphate. The effect of phosphocompost on rice(var.ADT-43) productivity, P availability and uptake was evaluated by comparing various P fertilizers (single super phosphate, rock phosphate, di-ammonium phosphate, nano phosphate) combined with or without phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB). The experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design with seven treatments including absolute control and replicated thrice. Phosphocompost produced with water hyacinth and termite soil microbes come with superior quality and early maturity compared to normal soil. Pot culture study results revealed that rice growth, yield, P availability and uptake were significantly (p<0.05) higher with SSP + PSB, and Nano phosphate +PSB treated plants, followed by Phosphocompost + PSB. The cost of P fertilizer (Rs/ha) related to yield (kg/ha) was found to be significantly low with phosphocompost (Rs.1132/-) than SSP (Rs.1530/-) and Nano P (Rs.2518/-). Further, phosphocompost combined PSB helps in optimizing the P availability in a long run through P solubilization thus sustained the P uptake. The present investigation brings light to the valorization of water hyacinth as compost will be an effective and economically viable alternative for P fertilizers.
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Nano phosphate, Phosphocompost, Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria, Rice productivity, Single super phosphate, Termite soil microbes, Water hyacinth
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