
Manoj Kumar Sharma Bhim Singh C.K. Arya


The present study was undertaken to investigate the kinetics of transformation process of applied and native Zn as influenced by soil moisture regime, available moisture and organic matter additions in Aridisols of western Rajasthan. The incubation experiment was conducted with exact amount of the soil samples (250 g), put in a number of small containers, made of corning glass. Three levels of moisture regimes i.e. field capacity (W0), continuous submergence (W1), alternate submergence and saturation (W2) and two levels of organic matter as starch at 0 per cent (M1) and 0.5 per cent (M2) of the soil weight; and two levels of zinc i.e. native (N) and applied (A) (Zn @ 5 mg kg-1 soil as ZnSO4.7 H2O). The soils then incubated for 30, 60 and 90 days. Destructive sampling was done after each incubation period, and then different fractions of Zn were sequentially extracted by different extracting solutions and determined with the help of atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the transformation of Zn is largely controlled by organic matter, moisture regimes and Zn application due to considerable changes in the chemical and electrochemical properties of soil and thereby influence the transformation of zinc. Organic matter application significantly increased Zn fractions due to the retention of Zn on exchange complex owing to producing organic acid by decomposition of organic matter in soil. Further, the results showed that if such condition was maintained in the field, and it increased the availability of Zn for different crops in Aridisols.




Amorphous sesquioxide bound, Aridisols, Calciorthids exchangeable, Crystalline sesquioxide bound Zn, Organic complexed

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Kinetics of zinc transformation in calciorthids soils of western Rajasthan, India. (2014). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 6(1), 121-126. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v6i1.386