
Shruti Bhowad Parineeta Samant Bageshree Seth


Thalassemia is a hereditary disorder characterised by changes in organ function and iron overload resulting from multiple blood transfusions, inefficient erythropoiesis, and increased gastrointestinal iron absorption. This study aimed to compare and correlate renal function tests with blood transfusion frequency, annual blood requirement, and ferritin levels in patients with Thalassemia Major, Intermedia, and Minor. Fifty blood samples were collected from each clinically diagnosed patient with thalassemia major, intermedia, and minor at MGM Hospital in Navi Mumbai for complete blood count estimates, serum ferritin, and renal function tests. The frequency of blood transfusions and the annual blood requirement was recorded. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to examine the relationship. SPSS Software was used to tabulate and process patient data. A p-value of less than 0.001 was regarded as significant. This study included both male (64) and female (84) participants. The major, intermedia, and minor serum ferritin levels were 2212.5 ug/L, 1643 ug/L, and 53.55 ug/L, respectively. Serum creatinine and sodium levels in thalassemia major (27.41 ± 5.31umol/L, 128.02± 4.56 mmol/L, respectively)  and intermedia (36.25 ± 6.19 umol/L, 128.96± 4.39 mmol/L respectively) decreased as the frequency of transfusion and serum ferritin level increased. Uric acid levels (361.64 ± 64.83 umol/L) were higher in patients with thalassemia intermedia. Transfusion therapy, required for Major and Intermedia, increases iron overload, which harms organ function and quality of life. Early detection and genetic counselling are necessary for proper thalassemia management.





Blood Transfusion, Genetic counselling, Iron-overload, Renal function test, thalassemia

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Biochemical assessment of renal function and its correlation with iron overloading in different variants of thalassemia. (2022). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 14(3), 1016-1021. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v14i3.3718