
G. Akila S. Thiyageshwari D. Selvi R. Anandham M. Djanaguiraman


The purpose of this study was to examine the various sulphur (S) fractions in experimental pot calcareous soil treated with Bio sulphur granules (BSG) in order to assess the impact of granular sulphur fertilization in S deficient calcareous soil using blackgram (Var. VBN-8) as a test crop.Factorial randomized block design with ten treatments (T1- Absolute control;T2-Recommended dose of NPK and S (Control);T3-Soil test based NPK; T4-T3 + S as Elemental Sulphur @ 40 kg S/ha; T5-T3 + S as BSGI@ 40 kg S/ha; T6-T3 + S as BSGII@ 40 kg S/ha;T7-T3 + Vermicompost @ 4 t ha-1; T8-T+ Vermicompost @ 4 t ha-1;T9- T5 + Vermicompost @ 4 t ha-1; T10- T6+ Vermicompost @ 4 t ha-1 ) replicated thrice and 5 pots were maintained for each replication. The results of this study revealed that there was an upward trend in all S fractions in every treatment (T1 to T10), in the following order: organic > inorganic > water soluble > exchangeable S. The pot that received vermicompost coupled with BSG II (T10) (ES@ 40 kg ha-1 and MethylobacteriumthiocyanatumVRI7-A4 as S source) was found to have the greatest S-fraction and was higher than other treatments. Therefore, using BSG II in conjunction with vermicompost is necessary to preserve the availability of S nutrients in calcareous soil and increase the solubility of nutrients through S-oxidation.




Bio sulphur granules, Black gram, Calcareous soil, Elemental sulphur, Sulphur oxidizing bacteria

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effect of Bio sulphur granules (BSG) as fertilizer ingredient on different fractions of sulphur in calcareous soil cultivated with blackgram (Var.VBN-8). (2022). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 14(3), 1009-1015. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v14i3.3702