
Poomaruthai Masilamani Venugopal Rajanbabu Subramanian Venkatesan Arumugam Alagesan Velanganni Alex Albert K. Nelson Navamaniraj


The germination percentage of teak seed is generally very poor due to its higher percentage of empty seed and poor seed
viability. The viable seeds exhibit protracted germination behaviour due to their inherent seed dormancy and other physiochemical characteristics. Hence establishing a teak nursery for largescale plantation activities is a challenging task. This study was undertaken to study the effect of ageing on in vitro true seed and in vivo drupe germination and its dormancy mechanism in teak. Fresh, one-year and two-year stored drupes were used to represent different levels of ageing. Under in vivo conditions, poor drupe germination was observed in fresh drupes (3%) and germination percentage was increased when the drupes were subjected to ageing for one year (17%) or two years (32%). When true seeds separated from fresh drupes and germinated under in vitro conditions, enhanced germination (58.3%) was observed. Biochemical analysis showed that indole-3- acetic acid, indole butyric acid, abscisic acid and coumarin are not present in fresh, one year and two-year-old true seeds. The gibberellic acid was increased with an increase in ageing, but the GA3 did not influence the germination percent under in vitro conditions. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of fresh teak true seed showed that embryo tip was shrivelled, whereas one and two-year-old true seed embryo tip bulged; this was confirmed that one and two-year-old true seed embryos were matured and satisfied the after-ripening requirement. Nursery studies revealed that one and two-year-old drupes recorded the highest germination compared to fresh drupes.                 




Teak, Drupes, True seed, SEM, Growth regulators, Germination, Seedling vigour

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effect of ageing on in vitro true seed and in vivo drupe germination and its dormancy mechanism in teak (Tectona grandis Linn.f) . (2022). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 14(3), 720-728. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v14i3.3501