
Meenaxi Tiwari Sudha Babel


Knitting industry occupies a pivotal position in the economic dynamism of various countries. The workers in the knitting industry suffer from various types of health risk factors. The risk in the knitting industry is higher and the ability to control it is lower. The majority of the problems are due to poor work environment, manual work condition and long hours of static working posture in the knitting industry. The present study was conducted to study the health and nutritional status of the workers in knitting industry, located in the city Kanpur, India. Body mass index (BMI) technique was used to study the health and nutritional status of the workers. The 300 workers of knitting industry from four different sectors (spinning, knitting, dyeing, and printing) of the industry who worked in a knitting sector were randomly selected from each unit of industry. The anthropometric measurements viz., height in cm, weight in kg of each respondent was recorded. The results revealed that the selected sample was suffering from occupational stress and health problems. Out of total 300 workers, majority of the respondents (22.00%) were in CED Grade III (Severe) category followed by 16.00% in CED grade IV (Moderate), 14.00% in low weight normal, 12.00% in CED Grade I (Mild), 11.00% in obese grade I and 10.00% in obese grade II. Only 17.00% respondents were observed under normal nutritional status. Thus, the respondents were suffering from occupational stress and health problems.




Body mass index, Knitting industry, Nutritional status, Workers health

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Study of health and nutritional status of the workers working in knitting industry located at Kanpur, India. (2013). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 5(2), 416-419. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v5i2.344