
Ahmed Younis Ibrahim Younis https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7989-7954 N. J. Bello Adeniyi Olumuyiwa Togun https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1733-1952 Gammer-eldien Abdelrhman Ibrahim Hamad Samoura Demba Aïssata https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8279-1819 Siraj Osman Omer https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1563-1975 Mustafa Abdalla Nasrealdin https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1341-570X


Acacia seyal var. seyal is an essential source of income to farmers in the Bahar Alarab locality in Sudan. Farmers’ perceptions of current climate conditions and their subsequent repercussions on Gum Talha (Acacia seyal var. seyal) production remains poorly investigated and understood. To fill this gap, a survey was carried out within six villages at Bahar Alarab locality in East Darfur State, Sudan, and a total of 391 randomly selected farmers were included in the study. Moreover, rainfall and temperature data over 30 years (1988 – 2020) were analysed. The results revealed that climate change signs were perceived by farmers based on the size of gum production (27.4%), early falling of leaves (26.1%), decline in production (24.3%), and persistent insect attack (22.3%). Moreover, farmers also reported increases (65%) and decreases (19%) in temperature. In contrast, 46.5% of farmers reported that rainfall deficiency was a decreasing factor of production. Accordingly, 69% of respondents perceived an increase in temperature, whereas 49.4% reported a decrease in rainfall frequency. Additionally, the results showed that there was long-term variability in temperature over the past three decades. The results of multinomial logistic regression highlighted that household size is an important factor contributing to the increasing trend of temperature. In addition, the growth and productivity of acacia trees were found to be determinants of farmers’ perception of temperature and precipitation change over the past 30 years. The study suggests a tailored policy that could reduce climate-induced impacts on gum Talha productivity and increase farmers’ gain to avoid poverty in this locality.




Climate-induced impacts, Climate changeClimate change, Gum production, Gum talha, Seyal

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Farmers’ perceptions of climate change and its impact on gum Talha (Acacia seyal var. seyal) production in Bahar Alarab locality, East Darfur State, Sudan. (2022). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 14(2), 349-361. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v14i2.3392