
Gokil Prasad Gangwar


Though the pesticides have adverse effects but they still are very important in crop protection. Hence, present study on compatibility of fungal bioagent (Trichoderma harzianum) of bacterial leaf blight of rice with chemical pesticides which are commonly used in rice cultivation was carried out with aim to look the possibilities of integrating biological control with chemical control to manage bacterial leaf blight of rice effectively. All the chemical pesticides (fungicides, antibiotic, insecticides and herbicides) exhibited varying adverse effect on mycelial growth of T. harzianum but none of these was antisporulant. Among fungicides and antibiotic, copper oxychloride and streptocycline was compatible with T. harzianum at all concentrations (2000, 1000, 500 and 250 ppm) but mancozeb exhibited compatibility only on lower concentrations (500 and 250 ppm). All insecticides and herbicides were compatible with T. harzianum at all concentrations (2000, 1000, 500 and 250 ppm). Further studies are required in this area of research.




Bacterial leaf blight of rice, Compatibility, Fungicides, Herbicides, Insecticides, Trichoderma harzianum

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Compatibility of fungal bioagent for bacterial leaf blight of rice with chemical pesticides, commonly used in rice cultivation. (2013). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 5(2), 378-381. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v5i2.336