
Jyoti Verma Nirupama Agrawal Vijay Laxmi Saxena


The genus Cornudisoides Kulkarni, 1969 is a specialist monogenoid reported from two fish host, Mystus and Sperata. Despite their ecological importance, Cornudiscoides diversity remains unexplored, and the taxonomic description of nominal species is inadequate. The present study was performed to chart the biodiversity of the genus Cornudiscoides and defined the characters to identify their species quickly and efficiently using unambiguous characters. Examination of fish hosts collected from different localities of Uttar Pradesh revealed 12 known and 6 new species of Cornudiscoides. Since the original description of known species lacked some salient features, the present study has redescribed them and added new host records. The new species are described: C. tripathii sp. nov., C. lucknowensis sp. nov., C. speratai sp. nov., C. indicus sp. nov., C. kulkarnii sp. nov. and C. falcatum sp. nov. They have distinct copulatory complexes and vaginal armatures. A detail of the species diversity of Cornudisoides, their type host, new host record type locality, additional localities and major distinguishable characters would be helpful to understand the diversity of these parasites.




Biodiversity, Cornudiscoides, Mystus, Monogenoideans, River Gomati, Sperata

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Description of six new species of the genus Cornudiscoides Kulkarni, 1969 (Monogenoidea: Dactylogyridae) from two catfish, Mystus, Scopoli, 1777 and Sperata Holly, 1939, with a note on its biodiversity. (2022). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 14(1), 268-282. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v14i1.3352