
Teodoro Bernabé-González Maricela Cayetano-Catarino Daniel Martínez-Carrera


Schizophyllum commune Fr. is a mushroom with a worldwide distribution; it is a food source in several countries and produces medicinal substances. It has been cultivated on sawdust and agricultural byproducts. In the present study, corn stubble (Zea mays L., stem with dry leaves) and peanut shell (Arachis hypogaea L., dry pericarp) were used as substrates for the cultivation of a strain (CP-433) of S. commune. The parameters evaluated were days in the formation of fruiting primordia, the number of harvests, days of the total cycle, biological efficiency (BE), production rate (PR) and yield (Y). Primordia formed between 12 and 13 days and later at 16 days. Two harvests with a total cycle of 22 days were made. The BE was 16.8±7.0% and 17.9±3.2%, the PR was 0.39±0% and 0.29±0.05%, and the Y was 1.68±0.7% and 1.79±0.3% for corn stubble and peanut shell, respectively, without significant differences between the two. The cultivation cycle in this study was shorter than the cultivation of S. commune on cocoa shell and coconut fiber (47 days), on sunflower seed shell (30-31 days), on oil palm fruit waste (29 days), and on palo mulato, cocoa shell and banana leaf (26-27 days). The values reached in BE are similar to other studies in which S. commune was cultivated on corn stalks and cobs (5.5%) and on palo mulato (6.4%). Corn stubble and peanut shells are promising substrates for the cultivation of S. commune on a small or large scale, mainly in the regions where they are discarded.




Agricultural byproducts, Medicinal mushroom, Mushroom cultivation, Schizophyllum commune, Solid fermentation

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Cultivation of Schizophyllum commune Fries (CP-433) on corn stubble (Zea mays L.) and peanut shell (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Mexico. (2022). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 14(1), 203-207. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v14i1.3317