
Aditya Narang Dhruv Kumar Garima gupta


Agriculture provides food for more than half of India's population. Entrepreneurial development among rural people is becoming more widely acknowledged as a strategy for overall rural community development. Rural people's entrepreneurial growth is increasingly being recognised as a strategy for achieving total rural community development. Beekeeping is an example of a successful agricultural business. By becoming entrepreneurs, beekeepers can increase their earnings and social capital. By boosting the income of rural beekeepers, reducing poverty, and protecting biological systems through pollination, entrepreneurial behavior contributes to sustainable development. The current review focuses on the several aspects of beekeeping as a profession on the core ideas of beekeeping entrepreneurship, its history, the distribution of honey-producing regions, and the wishes for its entrepreneurship development in India, as well as the important reasons for encouraging entrepreneurship. The current situation of beekeeping entrepreneurship in India, as well as the problems and opportunities it brings, were examined. This study examines the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) and Political, Economical, Social, and Technical (PEST) analyses of beekeeping as a business. As a result, the user is able to extensively research the market before beginning any new business. The focus of the review is on the business elements of beekeeping. In addition, the study highlights the beekeeping industry's future possibilities as well as the regulations sought by the Indian government.





Beekeeping, Business Entrepreneurial development, Economical

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Political, economical, social, technological and SWOT analysis of beekeeping as a successful enterprise in India: An overview. (2022). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 14(1), 194-202. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v14i1.3312