Impact of changing ecophysiological conditions in blood urea levels of freshwater fish Wallago attu
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Definite cyclic variations were observed in blood urea levels of freshwater catfish Wallago attu. The maximal mean blood urea level (8.44±1.96 mg/100 ml) was noted in the month of June while minimal level in December, revealing a difference of 65.87% between the two levels. Seasonal alterations observed here in W. altu were correlated with ecophysiological factors like temperature, food availability, body metabolism, breeding cycle and hormonal changes which have been essentially found to be involved in fish life.
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Wallago attu, Blood urea, Spawning, Seasonal, Temperature
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Robertson, O.H., Krupp, M.A., Favour, C.B., Hane, S. and Thomas, S.F. (1961).Physiological changes occurring in the blood of the pacific salmon Onchorhynchus tschwytscha, accompanying sexual maturation and spawning. Endocrinol. 68: 733-746.
Sathyenesan, A. G. (1969). Correlative cycling changes in the pituitary and gonad of Mystus seenghaea and Barbus stigma. J. Zool. Soc. India, 12: 175-190.
Saxena, A. (2000). Biochemical changes in liver and muscle of Channa gachua during reproductive cycle. Aquacult, 1: 51-56.
Shafi, S.M. (2000). Modern Ichthyology, Inter India Pub., New Delhi.
Singh, L.L. and Singh, T.P. (1983). Annual changes in the total gonadotrophic potency in relation to gonadial activity in freshwater catfish Clarias batrachus. J. Interdiscipl. Cycle Res. 14: 227-239.
Tandon, R.S. and Chandra, S. (1977). Cyclic changes in blood urea levels of freshwater catfish Clarias batrachus. Z. Tierphysiol. Tierernah. u. Futtermittelkde. 38: 211-214.
Tandon, R.S. and Chandra. S. (1980). Ecophysiology of Fishes: Changes in serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase levels of freshwater fish Wallago attu, during varied conditions of life. J. Adv. Zool., l: 28-32.
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How to Cite
Impact of changing ecophysiological conditions in blood urea levels of freshwater fish Wallago attu. (2009). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 1(1), 47-49.