
S. Madhuvanthi K. Selvapriya R. A. Nirmala A. Agalya N. Jeya


Food processing industries generate a massive amount of biowastes, which causes major environmental issues. High-level marketable bioproducts can be extracted from these biowastes as value-added products. One such value-added product is pectin. Papaya fruit is one of the tropical fruits that is utilized the most to produce a greater number of processed foods in the food processing industries. Papaya seeds are one of the underutilized parts of papaya and have potential commercial value-added products. The present study aims to extract pectin from papaya seed waste using the hot water extraction technique. Furthermore, one factor at a time (OFAT) was used to find the optimum process conditions for the high extraction of pectin. The parameters considered were liquid–solid ratio (5-50 ml/g), sample weight (5-25 g), extraction time (15-90 min), temperature (50-100°C) and pH (1-3). A high yield of pectin (8.655%) was obtained at a liquid–solid ratio of 25 mL/g, sample weight of 20 g, extraction time of 60 min at 80°C, pH of 1.5 and precipitation with ethanol. Proximate analysis was performed for the papaya seeds that had moisture (82.10%), ash (1.76%), protein (1.52%), fat (1.42%) and carbohydrate (13.20%), and the pectin extracted from papaya seeds were found to have moisture (7.8%), ash (7.6%), protein (2.2%), fat (2.1%) and carbohydrate (80.3%). Pectin was characterized with gas chromatography for its methoxy content, which was found to be 9.216%. The current investigation found that pectin obtained from papaya seeds had low methoxy pectin, which has commercial applications in the jam and jelly industries.




Gas chromatography, Methoxy content, One factor at a time, Pectin, Proximate Analysis

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Extraction and characterization of pectin derived from underutilized papaya seeds as a value-added product. (2022). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 14(1), 127-132. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v14i1.3269