
M. Selvamurugan P. Doraisamy M. Maheswari


A field experiment was conducted to study the impact of biomethanated distillery spentwash and pressmud biocompost in various proportions with inorganic fertilizers on yield attributes, yield, oil and protein content of groundnut at Research and Development Farm of M/s. Bhavani Distilleries and Chemicals Ltd., T. Pudur, Thimiri, Tamil Nadu. Results of the field experiment revealed that yield and yield attributes viz., number of matured pods, 100 kernel weight and shelling percentage of groundnut were improved by the application of biomethanated distillery spentwash and pressmud biocompost compared to recommended NPK as chemical fertilizers. One-time pre-sown application of BDS @ 100 m3ha-1 along with recommended NP in groundnut registered higher pod, grain and haulm yield of 1774, 1272 and 4668 kg ha-1, respectively and the increase was to the tune of 35.83, 43.57 and 46.01 per cent, respectively over control. Similar to yield, BDS application increased the protein and oil content of groundnut kernels significantly. The net returns and benefit cost ratio of sugarcane were also as high as Rs.19,612 ha-1 and 1.90 for the treatment that received pre-sown application of BDS @ 100 m3ha-1 along with recommended NP as compared to control of Rs.19,612 ha-1 and 1.38, respectively. This concludes that the biomethanated distillery spentwash can be conveniently used as source of plant nutrients for groundnut.




Biomethanated distillery spentwash, Groundnut, Pressmud biocompost, Yield attributes

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Biomethanated distillery spentwash and pressmud biocompost as sources of plant nutrients for groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). (2013). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 5(2), 328-334. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v5i2.326