
Titilayo O. Adesetan Moses O. Efuntoye Olubukola O. Babalola


Bacillus cereus produces pore-forming toxins responsible for diarrhoea; therefore, rapidly detecting these toxins in food retailed for consumption is needed. The genomic DNA of 100 B. cereus isolates recovered from some retailed foods was extracted and used as a template for enterotoxin detection. The detection of genes of non-haemolyticnonhemolytic enterotoxin (nheA, nheB, nheC), hemolysin BL (hblA, hblC, hblD), entFM, cytK and bceT by the isolates was carried out with PCR  using primers specific for the targeted genes, while the production of Nhe and Hbl enterotoxins in fifty of the randomly chosen isolates was detected with a Duopath Cereus Enterotoxin kit. Ninety-five percent of the isolates carried one or more components of the NHE complex, while 56% had one or more components of HBL. Sixteen out of the 100 isolates carried all the genes for NHE and HBL complex genes. The entFM, cytK and bceT genes were detected in 85%, 74% and 60% of B. cereus isolates, respectively. Starchy foods had the highest incidence of the HBL complex, while nheA and nheC occurred mostly in protein foods with 90% and 87% incidence, respectively. The immunological kit was able to detect the production of  nonhemolytic enterotoxin (Nhe) in all the B. cereus isolates, while 28 B. cereus isolates produced hemolysin (hbl). Nineteen isolates that carried one or more genes encoding  hbl did not produce the toxin. This study clearly showed that retailed foods sold in Ogun State, Nigeria, harbor B. cereus  enterotoxigenic genes responsible for diarrhoea. These toxins can be rapidly detected in foods using both molecular and immunological methods.




B. cereus, Duopath cereus kit, Enterotoxins, hbl, nhe, PCR, Retailed foods

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Profiling of Bacillus cereus enterotoxigenic genes from retailed foods and detection of the nhe and hbl toxins with immunological assay. (2022). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 14(1), 254-267. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v14i1.3258