Assessment of compatibility of intercrops in Dalbergia sissoo based Hortisilvicultural system in Mondipatty, Manapparai block of Trichy district, Tamil Nadu
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Attention to intercropping for sustainable agriculture is increasing, and scientific studies on intercropping have also grown in recent years. Agroforestry Systems, which combine annual crops with trees, are used widely in semiarid regions to reduce wind erosion and improve the efficiency of resources such as water and nutrients. Field experiments were conducted at Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited Farm, Mondipatty, Tamil Nadu, to study the compatibility of intercropping systems in the Dalbergia sissoo-based Horti-silvicultural system for two years during 2016 and 2017. The experiments were conducted in a split-plot design with four replications.The main plot treatments were M1: Cassava M2:Chillies and the subplot treatments were five nutrient management packages viz., S1: Untreated control, S2: 100 % Recommended Dose of Fertilizers (Cassava: 90: 90: 240 and Chillies: 60: 80: 80),S3: 125 % Recommended Dose of Fertilizers (Cassava: 112.5: 112.5: 300 and Chillies: 75: 100: 100), S4:150 % (Cassava: 135: 135: 360 and Chillies: 90: 120: 120) Recommended Dose of Fertilizers, S5: Soil Test Crop Response studies - Integrated Plant Nutrient Supply System -based recommendation (as per soil test value). The results indicated that the Horti-Silvicultural system of growing Cassava and Chillies along with D. sissoo performed well. It was observed that statistically significant (p ≤ 0.05) higher yields of 17.8 tha-1 and 1.6 tha-1 were recorded in Cassava and Chillies, respectively, in treatment S5, where the fertilizer was applied based on the Soil Test Crop Response studies - Integrated Plant Nutrient Supply System. In addition, the soil fertility status was also sustained in this plot. The fertilizers applied to the intercrops have contributed to the nutrient requirement of the tree crop and thereby reduced the cost of cultivation in the agroforestry system.
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Agroforestry, Chilli, Cassava, Dalbergia sissoo, Soil fertility, Soil Test Crop Response studies - Integrated Plant Nutrient Supply System
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