
M. N. Shiva Kameshwari H. L. Geetha K. J. Tharasaraswathi


In the present study on Urginea indica, twelve different populations from southern part of India is considered. Fifteen parameters have been scored for each population to understand the relationship between different races. The main objective is to trace phylogeny in populations of U. indica to construct phylogenetic tree. The phylogenetic tree obtained is an unrooted tree. The parsimony tree describes that Shimoga and Chamundi hill populations have parallely evolved and forms the out group. Dopaegowdanapura population has given rise to Gopalaswamy betta, Gopalaswamy betta has given rise to Banganavadi and Banganavadi has given rise to one population which is missing in the tree and the missing population has given rise to Gorur on one hand and to Krishna Raja Sagar island and Gandhi Krishi Vighnayana Kendra on the other hand. Krishna Raja Sagar island and Gandhi Krishi Vighnayana Kendra shares a common clade. Gorur has given rise to Papanasini and Papanasini has given rise to Channamallipura, from Channamallipura another population has been evolved which is missing and the missing population has given rise to Basavanahalli and Ranganthittu which shares a Common clade. The Parsimony tree shows that these populations have evolved parallel. Dopaegowdanapura is the oldest from which all others are evolved. Ranganathittu and Basavanahalli form the youngest and latest. Therefore it is an unrooted tree with distance. Each population varied in their morphology and chromosome number and called as cytotypes. Difference in morphological character is mainly because of genetic characters. Habitat does not seem to play major role to mould morphological features.




Parsimony, Phylogeny, Population, Urginea indica

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Phylogenetic analysis among Indian squill Urginea indica Kunth. Liliaceae. (2013). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 5(1), 10-16. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v5i1.273