
N. Pemola Devi R. K. Jauhari


The present study is based on screening of food preference by the indigenous fish under its natural condition. The gastrointestinal contents as an indicative of effective bioregulatory activity envisage the selection of a larvivorous fish. As many as 32 species of fishes were collected from their natural habitats at Imphal and Bishenpur districts in Manipur State between August 2007 to February 2008. Faecal drops of active fishes revealed remains of larvae / pupae of mosquitoes. However, the food types in 26 species of fish comprised larvae / pupae of mosquito, algae, weeds, tadepole fishes, crustaceans, insects, gastropods, worms and detritus / debris. On the basis of food preference Aplocheilus panchax, Polyacanthus fasciatus and Puntius manipurensis have been considered as most potent larvivorous fish of the study area.




Larvivorous fish, Mosquito control, Digestive tract, Manipur

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Study on digestive tract contents of fish : Preliminary step for identification of indigenous species in mosquito larval control. (2009). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 1(1), 18-23. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v1i1.26