
C. Ravikumar M. Ganapathy A. Karthikeyan P. Senthilvalavan R. Manivannan


Climate change is an inevitable ruling issue caused by the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG’s) in the atmosphere worldwide. It will have a considerable impact on agriculture and its related fields like live stocks and fisheries. In India, the main sectors contributing to these emissions are industry, agriculture and waste, with a total emission of 334 MT CO2 eq. Besides, the major sources in agriculture are enteric fermentation (63.4%), rice cultivation (20.9%), agricultural soils (13.0%), manure management (2.4%) and on-field burning is the crop residue (2.0%). Thus, the crop productivity sector (rice cultivation, soil and field burning of crop residues) contributes 35.9% to the total emission from agriculture. Therefore, reducing GHG emissions and enhancing the C sequestration in soil and biomass has become challenging. However, the total GHG’s emission from all sectors of the country has decreased from 33% in 1970 to 18% in 2010. Cutting off GHGs emission from agriculture can be achieved by sequestering C and reducing methane emissions(CH4) and carbon dioxide(CO2) through various soil and crop management strategies. Integrated nutrient management (INM) practice ensures the Soil –plant –atmospheric continuum (SPAC) in a  promising way, reducing the GHGs emission by sequestering more carbon to soil than emissions. A studious prominent INM solution can be identified to develop a mitigation strategy that helps in climate change adaptation and sustains soil health through soil carbon sequestration.




CO2, CH4, Carbon sequestration, Climate change, Integrated nutrition management

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Integrated nutrient management - promising way to reduce carbon dioxide and methane emission in flooded rice ecosystem: A review. (2021). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 13(1), 385-395. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v13i1.2570