
Rakshit Pathak Kritika Guleria Anjali Kumari Satya Pal Singh Mehta


According to India's National Biofuel Policy, only non-edible oilseed crops can be used for the biofuel feedstock. In this context, Camelina sativa is one such plant that fulfils all the criteria defined by the Biofuel policies of India. So, the present investigation was aimed to examine C. sativa seed oil capabilities as a biodiesel feedstock. Oil was deacidified via adsorption method applying Silica Gel as an adsorbent. The highest efficacy was obtained when 1:9 (Silica gel: oil) ratio was applied and the acid value was reduced from 6.45 to 2.78 mg KOH/g. Furthermore, oil was transesterified using methanol in the ratio of 1:6 (oil: methanol molar ratio) and 0.8 % (w/w of oil) of KOH as a catalyst at 70 ?C. The produced biodiesel was analyzed in terms of fuel-specific parameters and results were compared with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards. The results were very much satisfactory and under the limits specified by the ASTM standards. The results revealed that oil to biodiesel conversion was 92.28 % with an acid value of 0.37 mg KOH/g. The measured Iodine value was 152 gI2/100g indicated the high unsaturation. Still, Camelina biodiesel showed oxidation stability of 6 h., which was a decent value compared to this much unsaturation. The sulphur content was also higher (24 ppm) than the specified limit (15 ppm). Besides, the fuel-specific parameters like sulphur content and iodine value were under the ASTM limits.




Acid value , Biodiesel, Camelina sativa, Silica gel, Transesterification

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Deacidification of Camelina sativa L. seed oil by Physisorption method and characterization of produced biodiesel. (2021). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 13(1), 287-294. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v13i1.2555