
Eknath Shendge Bapurao Khaire Ramrao Chavan


Among different fruit piercing moths, the genus Othreis are the most harmful, causing widespread damage to pomegranate, citrus and mango fruits causing fruit fall in tropical and subtropical countries. The present communication deals with the study on the biology of  Othreis materna (L) from egg to adult’s death which was carried out  at room temperature of the laboratory  to investigate the delicate and vulnerable stages of its life cycle. The life cycle of the moth was completed within 45-61 days, with an average 55.03 days in case of male and within 47-63 days with an average 57.07±4.92 in case of female. Eggs hatching started at night or early in the morning and duration of hatching was 2.72 days. The eggs measured were about 0.95 to 0.03 mm in diameter. The freshly emerged first instar larvae were light yellowish coloured and translucent. The first instar larvae were very active after hatching and they moved 4 to 6 feet for searching the food. The larvae were fed with the leaves of Tinospora cordifolia (Giloy or Guduchi). The total larval duration in days from first, second, third, fourth and fifth instar varied from 2.12±0.01, 1.81±0.05, 2.87±0.02, 3.90±0.11, 4.74±0.38 in days respectively and total larval period was 15.44±0.57. Pupae were dark brown in colour and total pupation period was of 13.81±0.12 days and total adult duration for male and female was 23.08±0.70 and 25.20±0.66 days respectively. The adult of O. materna was bright orange in colour and of medium size. The male was small than the female. This is first study of this type from Marathwada, which will help to trace the vulnerable and delicate stage of the life cycle of this O. materna.




Behaviour, Biology, Fruit piercing moth, Life-cycle, Othreis materna (L), Pomegranate

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Research Articles

How to Cite

A study on biology and larval behaviour of fruit piercing moth of Othreis (Eudocima) materna (L.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on pomegranate, Punica granatum. (2021). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 13(1), 178-182. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v13i1.2489