
Alka Kushwaha Ashok Kumar Rahila Rahman Khan


Terrestrial carbon sequestration is a natural process towards carbon mitigation in which perennial trees play a vital role. Total biomass of the tree can be measured by a destructive and Non-destructive method. Since tree felling is ban in India, Non-destructive measurements by allometric equations have been widely used for the estimation of tree biomass, which is derived from the destructive method. The present study focused on estimating mango (Mangifera indica) wood logs volume both by destructive and Non-destructive methods in ICAR-Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow. In Non-destructive method, all required physical parameters were recorded from different positions and further calculated by T2: log formula = ?h (r12+r22+r1 r2)/3; T3: cylindrical shape formula = ?r2h with mean value and T4: cylindrical shape formula = ?r2h with maximum value. The calculated volume of mango wood logs was compared with the obtained volume by T1:Water displacement method. ANOVA was used to compare volume generated from several methods. The results showed that average volume obtained by T2 and T3 methods was found less than the T1 method, which was 13.69 % and 12.95 %, respectively. The volume obtained by T4 was found close to the T1. The study minimized the error while estimating the biomass of mango trees with the essential parameter, the wood volume.  Calculating the volume of major branches in the mango tree will make it easier to calculate accurate AGB by a Non-destructive method. The estimated AGB will be helpful to calculate the amount of sequestered carbon and contribution toward mitigating atmospheric carbon dioxide by mango cultivated areas.




Destructive methods, Non-destructive methods, Physical measurements, Tree volume, Wood density

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Research Articles

How to Cite

A comparative assessment of Non-destructive and destructive methods for precise volume estimation of mango (Mangifera indica) trees. (2021). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 13(1), 183-190. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v13i1.2480