
Rajeev Rajput Rinki Nidhi Ahuja Nigam


E-waste coming out from the electronic sector of the entire world is harming the world's environment. There has been a pattern of a substantial increase in the production of E-waste worldwide. This is as a consequence of population increase, industrialization, urbanization and economic activity. Since the last decade, the rate of consumerism has been found to be very high due to higher economic growth, which has resulted in increased E-waste production. Almost all countries are recycling more and more E-waste, but a million tonnes of E-waste still coming out. Experts believe that the rise of E-waste is due to our rapidly changing lifestyles. We have started adopting new electronic devices coming into the market, trying to make life more convenient. In  India, electronic waste is growing at 10% per annum.  The trend of urbanization has played a significant role in the enhancement of E-waste generation. The population living in urban areas was 27.67% in 2000, 38.03% in 2018, and is expected to reach approximately 42% in 2025. As the population increases, the amount of E-waste will also rise to an alarming situation. This review paper provides the present scenario of E-waste and its management practices and legislation in the
present Indian context. This would help all the stakeholders involved in the production of electrical equipment to gain better understanding of E-waste.




Environmental pollution, E-waste, Human health, Legislation, Management

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Research Articles

How to Cite

An overview of E-waste, its management practices and legislations in present Indian context. (2021). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 13(1), 34-41. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v13i1.2440