Development of a web-based tool for probit analysis to compute LC50/LD50/GR50 for its use in toxicology studies
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The toxicity bioassays are essential to detect and estimate the potential toxicological effects of chemicals on an organism.
LC50/LD50/GR50 is the estimation of dose/concentration necessary to kill 50 per cent of a population of the test species. Experimentally this is done by administrating a chemical at different doses to a group of organism and then observing the resulting mortalities in a set of the time period. A web-based module for a statistical analysis tool to calculate and compare the median lethal dose has been developed in ASP scripting language based on Server-Client Architecture. The module produces the final probit line, dose-response curve, LC50/LD50 with 95 % confidence interval. The Chi-square statistic has been obtained for testing the adequacy of fit. A user-friendly interface for entering/pasting the data and various parameters such as number of variables, number of observations etc. has also been provided. Additionally, a complete procedure to perform probit analysis has also been provided in the help file.
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Concentration, LC50/LD50, Probit Analysis, Server-Client Architecture
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