Communal roosting of Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus in Uttar Pradesh, India
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The behaviour of birds to settle or rest at a place at specific times of day and night is called roosting. Some birds prefer solitary roosting while others roost communally. The Communal roosting behaviour of Egyptian vulture was studied in five districts (Sambhal, Lakhimpur Kheri, Aligarh, Bareilly and Faizabad) of Uttar Pradesh, India from January 2014- December 2017. Total count was conducted at roosting sites in all the seasons (summer, winter and monsoon). The maximum number of individuals counted at the roost site was in Sambhal followed by Lakhimpur Kheri, Aligarh, Bareilly, Faizabad. Four different roost substrates were identified: Ground, tree, building, and electric pylon. A maximum (63%) of Egyptian vultures were observed roosting on the ground, followed by electric pylon (19%), tree (10%) and minimum on building (8%). The present study confirmed that Egyptian vultures are communal roosters and a number of roosting individuals most probably depended on the availability of food of the area. Egyptian vultures are globally endangered species and so far no work has been done on their roosting behaviour in India; therefore the present study will prove beneficial to plan for their conservation strategies.
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Communal roosting, Egyptian vulture, Roost sites, Roost substrates, Food
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