Variation in morphometric characters, germination and oil content of Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb. seeds collected from various provenances of Odisha, India
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The wide distribution of Terminalia bellirica in natural forests of Odisha has a good opportunity to identify better genotypes with higher oil yielding potential. The study related to variation in oil content, morphometric characters and germination of Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb. seeds was carried out in nine provenances viz. Deogan, Bolangir Kasturi Bahal, Narada, Kantamal, Jeypore, Gunupur, Kuchinda and Ghatikia of Odisha (India) keeping in the importance of the seed oil for biodiesel production, soap industry and medicinal values. T. bellirica is widely distributed in Odisha with gregarious fruiting of which most of the fruits remain unused except used as myrobalan for medicinal purposes. It revealed that Kantamal provenance expressed highest fruits length (3.87cm) and 100 fruit weight (1340.17gm), 100 seed weight(649.05gm) and 100 kernel weight(99.43gm) with maximum oil yield which can be taken up for further improvement study. However, the progeny testing at nursey level was also found to have the same provenance performing best for germination and seedling characters.
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Morphometric, Germination, Oil content, Provenances, Seeds, Terinalia bellirica
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