
Adesh Kumar Roomi Rawal Nishi Roy Atik Ahamad Hitesh Kumar


Black gram (Vigna mungo L.) growing areas of district Jhansi coming under Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh were surveyed during Kharif 2018 for the occurrence of anthracnose disease of black gram. A total of 22 villages were visited under six blocks of Jhansi during this period. Blockwise comparison of the survey in Jhansi revealed that less mean disease incidence (10%) and severity (4.0%) occurred in the Chirgaon block. Highest disease incidence (24%) and severity (12%) were observed in block Moth.  The block Bangra, Babina, Badagaon, and Bamour secured disease incidence 23.5, 20, 16.44 and 15% and severity 15.14, 12, 7.44 and 8.5% respectively. Nine fungicides (viz. folicur@0.1%, tilt @0.1%, natio@0.0.5%, saaf@0.2%, bavistin@0.2%, dithane
Z-78@0.2%, amistar top, kavach@0.2% and blitox@0.2%) were tested against anthracnose disease of black gram under field condition.  Among them, seed treatment with carbendazim@ 3gram/kg seed and foliar spray of mixture of azole and strobilurin group T3- natio@0.05 ( tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin) and T7-amistar top@0.1%  (azoxystrobin+ difenoconazole) were found significantly (at 0.05%) superior over the rest of treatments, both showed minimum (6%) disease severity with maximum (78.51%) disease control. Significant (at 0.05%) increase in yield (47.5%) also observed in both treatments T3 and T7The treatment T1- Spray of  Folicur@0.1%, T2-  Spray of  Tilt @0.1%, T4- Spray of  Saaf@0.2%, T5- Spray of  Bavistin@0.2%,  T8- Spray of Kavach@0.2%, T9- Spray of Blitox@0.2% also showed good results in reducing the black gram anthracnose disease severity per cent (64.29, 57.14, 64.28, 57.14, 71.42 and 64.28 and also increased the yield per cent 37.5, 35, 42.5, 36.25, 45 and 45 respectively.




Anthracnose disease, Black gram, Fungicide, Disease incidence, Disease severity

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Evaluation of fungicides for management of anthracnose disease of black gram (Vigna mungo l.) in growing areas of district Jhansi of Bundelkhand region. (2020). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 12(2), 110-114. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.vi.2257