
M Poovizhi K Sujatha


The seeds must be viable and non-dormant for the efficient cultivation of the species of medicinal plants. The seeds of Solanum nigrum possess primary dormancy, which restricts germination. Hence, a laboratory experiment was conducted during 2019 in the Department of Seed Science and Technology, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai, Tamil Nadu. The S. nigrum seeds were primed by soaking in different chemicals viz.,GA3 100ppm, Thiourea1%, KNO3 0.5%, Succinic acid 100 ppm, Ascorbic acid 100 ppm, hydro and dry control with soaking durations of 12h and seeds were dried under shade to bring back to their original moisture content and used for assessing the seed quality studies. The results revealed that among the different priming treatments Thiourea 1% recorded higher seed quality parameters viz, speed of germination (5.6), germination (88 %), seedling length (5.92 cm) and vigour index (520) and the enzyme activity of dehydrogenase (0.072 OD value) and lower values of electrical conductivity( 0.027 dsm-1),  amino acids (0.119 ?gg-1 ) and sugars ( 0.175 ?gg-1 ). Hence it could be recommended as pre-sowingg seed priming treatment in S. nigrum.




Enzyme activity, Priming, Seed quality, Solanum nigrum.

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Improvement in seed germination by priming treatments in Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum L.). (2020). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 12(2), 84-87. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.vi.2244